Are your sales discovery calls
falling short?

Salespeople often rush through discovery calls, missing out on crucial information about the needs and pain points of their prospects. As a result, they present solutions that don’t align with the prospect’s situation, leading to less effective conversations.

Companies that do discovery calls with Salesdrive

Nail your Sales Discovery Calls

In a first sales call, capturing the prospect’s interest is key. Rather than delivering a generic pitch, it’s crucial for sellers to understand the prospect’s needs and motivations. This is where Salesdrive steps in. Our intuitive Discovery presentations enable sellers to actively engage prospects by uncovering their needs and offering tailored solutions in real-time, ensuring conversations are productive and impactful.

Discover needs & Tailor solutions

Salesdrive’s interactive Discovery Presentations guide salespeople through targeted questions about the prospect’s situation, uncovering their needs and pains in a conversational manner. Based on this short interaction, your presentation content only highlights the USP’s and offerings that are most relevant, giving your sellers and prospects exactly what they need to evaluate deal potential.

The situation


Current situation

  • No or limited view on buyer needs

  • Generic, non-engaging sales pitch

  • Missed opportunities & bad deal investments

  • Slow sales process, taking time to reach conclusions


When using Salesdrive

  • Comprehensive knowledge of the
    buyer’s situation

  • Productive and impactful discovery call

  • Working on deals with high conversion potential

  • Targeted follow up, faster sales cycle

How it works


Discover buyer needs

Start an interactive conversation by identifying the key information relevant to your prospect. Customize your questions to suit their profile, including factors like their role, industry, and more.

Show matching solutions

Salesdrive automatically presents how your product or service meets your prospect's needs, without overwhelming them with unnecessary details. This can be features, client cases, sustainability efforts… Whatever you decide.

One-click personalized report

Salesdrive summarizes the discovery of needs and solutions into a concise, easy-to-understand overview that can easily be send to your prospect's email address before he even left the meeting room. A hassle-free, personal approach.

And what makes it even better?

With Salesdrive, you can track when and for how long your prospect is looking at every part of the report you’ve shared, enabling sellers to re-engage at the right time with more pointed follow-up actions.



Improve your discovery call NOW